Mr. Corso is the Director of the Office of Military Compensation Policy, where he formulates, implements, and administers Department of Defense policies and plans for military compensation for over 2 million active and reserve service members and an additional 2 million military retirees; leads the reserve component duty status reform effort; and serves as the chair of the Armed Forces Tax Council.   

Prior to this, Mr. Corso was Principal Director in the Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Military Manpower and Personnel). In this role, he was responsible for establishment and oversight of policies for Navy and Marine Corps service members and their families, including human resource management (accessions, recruiting, assignments, force management, promotions, retirement, and compensation); education and training; health care; military family and quality of life programs; casualty and mortuary affairs; defense resale including exchanges and commissaries; drug demand reduction; and readiness and transition. He has held two previous positions within the Office of the Secretary of Defense, first leading a comprehensive review of the military’s combat and valor award program on behalf of the Secretary of Defense and later administering the military retirement and annuity programs.  In the latter position, Mr. Corso was the Department of Defense project manager for the implementation of the Blended Retirement System (BRS).   

Mr. Corso has 28 years of experience in the defense community. After receiving his commission as a Naval Officer in 1997, he served as a Surface Warfare Officer on the USS MOOSBRUGGER (DD 980) and on the now-USS ROBERT SMALLS (CG-62) and, ashore, on the OPNAV staff. Later transitioning to the Navy Reserve, Mr. Corso continues to serve as a Captain with Headquarters, Commander Naval Forces Japan.  He previously commanded the Navy Reserve Office of Inspector General unit, the Littoral Combat Ship Mine Countermeasures Reserve Division, and Assault Craft Unit TWO (Baltimore).   

Originally from Newport News, Va., and now a resident of Arlington, Va., Mr. Corso earned a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Virginia, and a Master of Public Policy degree from George Mason University. He is also a graduate of the Naval War College’s Fleet Seminar Program. 


Mr. Andrew Corso

Director of Military Compensation